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الجمعة، 28 نوفمبر 2014

Do Your Friends Bring Out The Best In You ?

It is often said that we are what we eat and while this is an area that is given a lot of exposure, it is not the only thing that one needs to pay attention to. This is not to say that what one eats is not important or that it should be ignored, what it means is that one needs to pay attention to other things that influence who they are.
The media often talks about how important food is and this then causes people to think about this area of life. And the media often defines what people think about and what they don't think about.
So unless the media covers something, it can mean that one doesn't think about it. It can all depend on whether one thinks for themselves or if they are happy to let other people do the thinking for them.
If one thinks for themselves it will give them the chance to find out if something is true or not. However, if one relies on the media to inform them, they are not going to know if something is true or not. Thinking for oneself might be harder than letting someone else do it for them, but at least one will be able to come to their own conclusions.
The Power Of Thinking
Through thinking and taking in new information, one might think about what else is having an impact on who they are. This could make one think about the environment they live in and the people they surround themselves with.
Although one could view themselves as independent, it would be more accurate for them to see themselves as being interdependent. What this means is that one is constantly being influenced by everything.
The Illusion
One could believe that they're not affected by their environment or by the people they spend their time with. Or they might be only too aware of how their environment and the people they spend their time with are defining them.
One might notice how they feel after talking to someone they are close too and someone they don't get on with. Each person is a fellow human being and yet based on how one feels around them, it's as if they are from a different planet.
A Difference Experience
One experience could be described as life affirming and the other as something that is taking away one's enjoyment if life. And as the world is made up of all types of people, it is to be expected that this will happen from time to time.
If this only happens from time to time, it might not have too much of an effect one's one life. But if one's close friends or the people they associate with cause them to feel drained or invalidated for instance, it is going to create problems.
Unhealthy Food
Being around these people is then the same as one eating food that is unhealthy or stale. They're not getting the nutrients they need to develop and to grow into the best version of themselves.
It can take a while for unhealthy food to have an impact on one's body, and the same can be said in regards to the people one spends their time with. One might not notice how someone is affecting them in the beginning, but as time passes, it might begin to stand out.
If it doesn't stand out, it could be because this is what is normal for them. Being around people who bring out the worst in them is then the only thing they have known. And this is likely to mean that their self-image is not empowering and that it doesn't reflect who they really are.
So it is going to be important for them to realise that the idea they have of themselves is not accurate. It is simply the result of them being around the wrong people and as soon as they change the people they associate with, their self-image will begin to change.
The Sun
When the sun shines it makes it possible for one to view certain things, if the sun wasn't shinning, certain things wouldn't be seen. And this is what it is like with the people one spends their time with.
Unless one is around people who bring out the best in them, it is going to cause other parts of them to grow. Their true self can then end up being hidden and this is because they're not getting the mirroring they need in order for their true self to develop.
If a plant doesn't get the water that it needs, it is not going to last for very long. And the mirroring of others plays a similar role when it comes to their sense of self. If one doesn't get the right mirroring they might not die, but certain parts of them will start to fade and then after a while, they will go into hibernation.
However, once one gets the right mirroring or as soon as they surround themselves with the right people, it doesn't need to take forever for their best self to come to the surface. The first step might be for one to become aware of how the people around them are affecting them.
After this, one can decide if their best self is being supported or if it is being starved of the nutrients it needs to appear. One might need the assistance of a therapist, healer or some kind of coach.
Prolific writer, thought leader and coach, Oliver JR Cooper hails from the United Kingdom. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation; love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With several hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behavior, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. Current projects include "A Dialogue With The Heart" and "Communication Made Easy."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8789462

5 Gifts for Your Dog This Christmas

That delightful nip in the air and the sudden proliferation of cakes and other treats hints at the eagerly awaited arrival of Christmas soon. A delightful time to unwind and celebrate with your near and dear ones, Christmas is also a time when you should be spoiling your beloved four legged friend silly! While thinking of gifts for near and dear ones, do not forget to pamper your dog and your task is made considerably easier with the huge variety of gifts available online.
There are some fantastic gift ideas that you can take stock of this season. Attractive dog jackets will be just what the doctor ordered to help your pet move about in style this season! There are a wide range of jackets online that you can shop for in this regard including the specially crafted Pawsh and Gladiator jackets, both of which are representative of superlative comfort and will give your four legged fashionista the perfect fit. Your dog will also love the exclusive quilted and Bella jackets in addition to the innovatively created Wrapped in Love dog jackets for outings and everyday use.
You can also buy designer dog sweaters that also go a long way towards keeping your dog warm and snug throughout winter. A perfect blend of style and functionality, there are multiple options to choose from like the Cable and Striped sweaters which keep your dog warm without a trace of discomfort. Opt for bright colors like red, pink, orange and blue in addition to letting your pet enjoy the soothing experience provided by materials like fleece, cotton, wool, polyester and nylon.
The attractively customized Wag Box is another special gift that your dog will never get enough of! All you need to do is provide ample information about your precious companion and receive a thoughtfully arranged box containing everything from grooming products to apparel, toys and other accessories. This should be a smashing online Christmas gift for your dog!
Is your dog a sucker for cute toys? Indulge him/her with special puppy toys this Christmas! Take your pick from premium rope toys, balls, rubber toys, chewable toys and more! From plush soft toys for cuddling up to and safe and ergonomic rope toys to an assortment of Frisbees, bone toys, ring toys, fetch sticks and dumbbells, there is something for every pooch here!
Thinking of buying utility gift items for your dog this Christmas? You can try comfy dog beds that will keep your pet nicely tucked up even during the harshest winters and ensure that he/she gets peaceful and comfortable siestas at all times. Check out beds in a variety of colorful designs and templates that promise to be welcome additions to every cool pet's arsenal.
Nikita has worked in dog care shelter for more than 4 years. She regularly writes articles related to pets. Currently she is busy working with leading Indian Pet Store that sells dog clothes including dog jackets and dog sweaters, dog accessories, and other related products.
Check out the website now to experience the latest trends in dog fashion.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nikita_Bhasin

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8817892

Kids - How to Handle Allowance

Teens are fascinating. For parents, they can be a constant source of frustration and joy, shame and pride. Sometimes it feels like they can't be taught anything. It's probably a pride thing. They don't want to admit that you might actually know something, after all.
So how do you teach a teen to manage money? You have to be clever and let the teen THINK that they're figuring this out on their own, when in reality they're following a carefully laid plan.
The Plan: Introduce an Allowance
Here's your new plan: Give your teenager a new allowance. Let's look at the details.
Teaching kids about money involves several steps.
  1. Learn how to spend money
  2. Learn how to earn money
  3. Learn how to save money
  4. Learn the value of money
  5. Learn to manage an allowance
As easy as this looks on paper, the steps aren't necessarily consecutive in the real world. Toddlers, for example, might start at phase one and move pretty quickly to step 3 or 4, but their scope of understanding is going to be limited. Teens have the opportunity to much more money and are thinking about buying cars. They can manage allowances of $200 per month or more. Teens will face new challenges as their financial opportunities and responsibilities grow - an allowance is a VITAL part of that growth. It is a great teaching tool, that allows the teen to revisit these five core lessons over and over as both their allowance, and responsibility, grows.
Anticipate Allowance Mistakes
Kids learn about money only when they make mistakes with money.
An allowance has several purposes:
  • To give your kid a chance to practice making decisions about money.
  • To give your kid a chance to make financial mistakes. It has to happen. When it does, it's your job as parent, and first financial advisor, to be caring and loving, not to point out the "lesson learned." Your teen gets it. If you point it out, the lesson is lost.
  • Finally, an allowance will make your life easier. If your teen is going to manage most of his financial decisions, you don't have to. It's one less thing to worry about.
Starting your teen on an allowance
To make an allowance work, you need to realize:
  1. An allowance is a teaching tool.
  2. An allowance should cost you zero dollars.
  3. An allowance is YOUR money, not the child's money.
  4. An allowance needs to come with accountability.
  5. Your kid is going to mess this up.
Done right, a kid's allowance will cost you zero extra dollars.
To clarify, I am not talking about "free" money allowances. I am talking about an allowance that isn't tied to specific jobs, but instead is a type of salary for doing the work around the house that is expected and asked of them without argument. Along with that is being a reasonable human being that doesn't talk back and roll his or her eyes at the "boss." If you're currently giving your child an allowance that translate into "free" money with no strings attached, you are likely doing more harm than good. They're not learning any responsibility; just that Mom and Dad are sources of free money.
For the sake of this discussion, the definition of allowance I will use is: it is the amount of the family budget a kid is allowed to spend. It's money in your own budget that you have been spending on them anyway. This is an important point to realize for parents reluctant to begin giving their kids an allowance. It seems like it's going to be really expensive to be giving kids $20, $50 or $100 every month. But it's not. This is money you spend on them anyway.
Over the course of a year, think about how much you spend on clothes, shoes, sports activities, school supplies, and other necessities for your kids. For most families, this could easily be a thousand dollars, or two, or more per child. What if, instead of YOU spending this money, you gave your kid $150 each month, and let them manage it, one category at a time?
Allowances can be amazing tools for teaching kids to manage their money. Used properly, kids not only learn how to budget and fund their own expenses, but also will realize quickly that money never goes as far as they would like. That can open up a whole new conversation about earning money to supplement the money they are receiving from you.
If you're still on the fence about giving kids money to practice with, think of it this way. When we want kids to learn any other skill, we encourage them to practice. Why don't we do this with money? After all, if as parents we don't teach them THIS skill, we are leaving the teaching up to banks and creditors. I'd rather teach them myself, wouldn't you?
Bret Shroyer is the co-author of "Investing in Your 401k Kid: From Zero to Little Financial Genius in Five Easy Steps," a guidebook for teaching kids to be financially literate. He specializes in teaching parents to ensure their kids understand money and how to be responsible with it.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bret_Shroyer

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8816791

الجمعة، 21 نوفمبر 2014

There's something very wrong with this photo of Kim Jong-un

This photo was released as part of a set by North Korea’s state-run Korean Central News Agency. But there’s something wrong with it.
Maybe it’s another botched PhotoShop job of which North Korea is notorious. After all, Kim Jong-un has rarely been in the public eye recently.

Maybe it’s because of the incongruity of the head of a brutal regime visiting a garishly decorated orphanage while apparatchiks studiously take notes.

Oh, maybe it’s because said leader is in fact surely breaching the no-smoking policy at the Pyongyang Baby Home and Orphanage.

It’s actually because of the act of supreme political dissidence being carried out directly behind Kim’s back.

Fight the power!

Source : i100.independent

The difference between Britons and Americans, in one chart

Respondents to the question in the above chart, from Statista, were asked about their views on the creation of the universe in light of the Philae lander successfully landing on the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko.
As well as the marked difference in views on creation on opposing sides of the Atlantic, the YouGov poll found that the idea of our planet being seeded by organic compounds from comets - as Philae and its spacecraft Rosetta have been investigating - is yet to really take root.

source : i100.independent

The 10 countries where terrorist attacks kill the most people

Iraq suffered more deaths due to terrorist attacks than any other country in the world last year.
This graphic from Statista, using new data from the Global Terrorism Index (GTI), shows that over 80 per cent of global deaths from terror attacks occurred in just five countries.
GTI also reports that with a toll of over 16,000 in 2013, deaths had risen by 61 per cent from the previous year.

Russia is the most heavily policed country in the world

Russia is the most heavily policed country in the world, followed by Turkey, Italy and Portugal.
This graphic from Statista uses statistics from the UN’s Office on Drugs and Crime.
In Russia, police personnel represent 564.6 per 100,000 in the population, with Turkey having 474.8 per 100,000 and Italy 467.2.
Portugal and Hong Kong take the fourth and fifth places respectively with 454.2 and 450.7 police officers per 100,000 of the population.
It may be a surprise to see European nations such as Italy, Portugal and the Czech Republic, which is the tenth most heavily policed country in the world, all making the top ten, although the UNODC data notably excludes countries such as Belarus, North Korea and Uzbekistan.

Famous people reading mean tweets about themselves is still funny

Even at the eighth time round, Jimmy Kimmel getting a bunch of celebrities to read out mean tweets (ranging from the surreal to the abusive) about themselves is still very amusing.

This time the US TV show host has convinced Chris Pratt, Lena Dunham, Adam Sandler, Britney Spears, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ty Burrell and others to join in.

Source : i100.independent.co.uk

These moving photos of wounded soldiers were taken by Bryan Adams

These pictures of wounded UK armed forces personnel were taken by Bryan Adams, the Canadian rock musician who is also a celebrated portrait photographer.
Four years worth of photos are published in a new book, Wounded: The Legacy of War, Photographs by Bryan Adams, and at an accompanying exhibition at Somerset House in London.
I just thought I should try and be as honest with them as possible, because they were being honest with me.
  • Bryan Adams, on being asked whether he felt the weight of responsibility in capturing traumatic personal narratives

Marine Mark Ormrod, injured in Afghanistan, aged 24

Private Alex Stringer, injured in Afghanistan, aged 20

Private Karl Hinett, injured in Iraq, aged 18

Sergeant Rick Clement, injured in Afghanistan, aged 30

Private Jaco Van Gass, injured in Afghanistan, aged 23

Private Jaco Van Gass, injured in Afghanistan, aged 23

Corporal Simon Brown, injured in Iraq, aged 28

Rifleman Craig Wood, injured in Afghanistan, aged 18
(All pictures courtesy of Bryan Adams)

Iggy Azalea responds to Eminem rape lyrics

'I'm bored of old men threatening young women'

Iggy Azalea has branded Eminem an ‘old man threatening young women for entertainment” after he ordered her not to “blow that rape whistle” on him in new song “Vegas”.
The Australian singer, 24, attacked the rapper on Twitter for the controversial lyrics, which feature on his upcoming compilation album Shady XV.

“If I let you run alongside the Humvee. Unless you’re Nicki [Minaj], grab you by the wrist, let’s ski,” Eminem raps.
“So what’s it gon’ be? Put that s**t away Iggy. You don’t wanna blow that rape whistle on me. Scream! I love it. ‘Fore I get lost with the gettin’ off.”
Iggy responded angrily to her misogynistic name drop, adding that Eminem’s reference was “awkward” as her younger brother is a fan.

Source : trace.tv

الخميس، 20 نوفمبر 2014

Is Being Different a Crime ?

When I see babies being born, I picture God sitting in his office and deciding every detail of the person he's about to make. Then one day I feel he got bored with making the same kind of people again and again and that's when he decided to make a different set of human beings or you can say the special ones. He spent hours together to create them and very delicately sculpted their bodies and gracefully painted their hearts with emotions and strength beyond our imagination. In the end He gave them his special touches and He decided to call them his 'special kids' who would be respected and loved by all and would be welcomed by people down there and that's how in my opinion he gave birth to the people referred to as gays, lesbians, transgender and homosexuals on our planet. I wish the people could also see them the way God does. When the society became cognizant of these special kids they decided to seclude them instead of loving them. Our society defiled the noble intentions with which God created them. According to Chapter XVI, Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code criminalized sexual activities "against the order of nature" arguably including homosexual acts. It's quite amusing to see that this law was actually introduced in 1860 when India was one of the British colonies and still continues to follow the rules made by the British whereas England amended this rule long back. What's worth remembering is the country that is responsible for the legacy of persecution and disrespect faced by all the LGBT people today. There are more than 75 countries which have criminalised homosexuality, forty-two out of which were British colonies which clearly shows where the legacy comes from.
The section was declared unconstitutional with respect to sex between consenting adults by the High Court of Delhi on 2 July 2009. That judgement was overturned by the Supreme Court of India on 12 December 2013, with the Court holding that amending or repealing Section 377 should be a matter left to Parliament, not the judiciary. Not getting into the politics of the issue, I would like to throw some light on the fact that this law defines homosexual act as an unnatural act whereas I don't remember God creating a book containing the list of things that can be considered natural and giving it to the people on Earth, then how can these people say that it's not natural. What's really sad is that people have a misconception that homosexuality is a choice made by a person what they really don't understand is that it's not a choice, it's a God's gift to them. I am straight and no one can force me to turn homosexual, the same way you can't force a homosexual to turn straight. Lack of awareness causes people like Ramdev baba (a yoga master popularly known for all wrong things) to claim that he can fix homosexuality through yoga. There are also electric shock treatments available in Indian hospitals to cure homosexuality as if it's a disease. Even the demagogues use this topic to seek votes and support from people and is successful in doing so due to illiteracy of the population. What is relieving is to see that the Right to change legal gender to Male/Female/Other has been enforced since April 15, 2014 which in my opinion is still quite late.
LGBTs don't need to beg for clemency to anyone. They are human beings and they were born with equal rights and no one on this Earth has vested us with the power to deny them their emancipation. There are many countries like America and Argentina that have legalized same-sex marriages and sexual act with mutual consent is not punishable. Every time that we disrespect LGBTs we actually deprecate God and his ideals. Going to Church, Temples or Mosques everyday to pray is a futile attempt to please Him because if you can't respect his creations, then how do you expect Him to believe that you respect Him and to ignore the egregious mistake you make by secluding, insulting, humiliating and cursing his creations. Just imagine how devastating it would be for you if you had to live all your life pretending to be someone you are not. There is a little girl in that man who wants to get out and live her life and not be judged by people, we will kill him if we try to suppress that girl in him or vice-versa. Live and let live. Don't let characterization of gender take over the basic fact that we are first humans.
Maybe a century back even I would have been apprehensive about this issue but we are living in the 21st century where we are brought up with high-tech gadgets and not important values like to love and cherish everyone and to live with tranquility. If I don't have the right to choose my partner in the 21st century then isn't it evident that democracy is just hypocrisy of our society. In the coming years we will see a change, but it will be brought about only by our youth and no one else. We need to wake up from our sleeps and take a stand for our fellow friends who deserve to live without being judged. The day we start taking people for what they are and not for what we want them to be, that day we will undergo a phase of complete enlightenment and will sense the true form of humanity and sovereignty.
"The thirst for emancipation shall continue until the world finally accepts the people for who they are and not who they want them to be."
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Urjaa_Singh

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8806888

Cómo mantenerse saludable al inscribirse para clases de baile (Espagnol)

Para los niños pequeños, clases de baile es todo sobre divertirse y hacer nuevos amigos. Por otro lado, bailarines adultos que se unen a las clases de baile lo hacen por una serie de razones numéricas. Algunos de los beneficios de salud de baile incluyen:
Impulsar la memoria; que todo el mundo desearía envejecer con gracia haciendo clases de baile muy importante. De hecho, la investigación ha estado ocurriendo con el New England Journal of Medicine indica que el baile evita complicaciones de salud, tales como la demencia que se asocia con la vejez. Además, también evita la pérdida de volumen dentro de las hipocampo; una condición que también se asocia con la vejez.
La mejora de la flexibilidad; técnicas tales como las de los bailarines de ballet aumenta la flexibilidad de los músculos y reduce su rigidez. Los individuos que son flexibles rara vez experimenta dolor en las articulaciones y úlceras durante el ejercicio o al ir sobre las actividades diarias.
El alivio de tensión; pareja de baile y el acompañamiento de la música ayuda a reducir el estrés. Por ejemplo la danza del tango alivia la tensión y el estrés. Estrechamente relacionado con esto es la depresión. Clases de baile Asistir definitivamente impulsar el espíritu bailarines y bailarines tales mostrar menos nivel de depresión.
corazón; actividad cardiovascular es una de las enfermedades del corazón más común. Unirse a clases de baile reducirá los riesgos de enfermedades del corazón. Los bailarines han mejorado la salud del corazón y vivir una vida de calidad, ya que tienen un corazón sano.
La pérdida de peso; la quema de algunas calorías en exceso es una prioridad. En general, el baile es sólo un ejemplo de ejercicio aeróbico. Tales tipos de bailes son: baile de salón, danza del ballet, la danza hip-hop, etc. Hay muchísimos estilos y técnicas de danza que se han recomendado para la pérdida de peso. Ayudan a aumentar la potencia aeróbica como correr, nadar o andar en bicicleta.
Mejorar el equilibrio; danza tango es una de la danza tipo más común que mejora el equilibrio del cuerpo. Básicamente, el baile requiere de individuos que pueden moverse rápido y hacer buenas posturas al mismo tiempo. A través de la capacitación constante, es más fácil de estabilizar y tener un mejor control del cuerpo.
Aumenta la energía; programa de baile regular puede mejorar la fuerza física del bailarín. Aumenta los niveles de energía entre los adultos.
Socializar; la mayoría de las clases de baile forman uno de los mejores lugares para hacer nuevos amigos. La mayoría de los bailarines pueden mantener una relación positiva con otras personas. Esto les permite mejorar tanto en sus hábitos alimenticios y de ejercicio.
Unirse a una clase de baile no es una garantía de que un individuo tendrá que ganar todos estos. Establecer metas realistas y que se dedica a alcanzarlos de manera oportuna es necesario. Esta voluntad va de la mano con la elección del instructor de la derecha y el estudio de baile. De hecho, la mayoría de los nutricionistas y preparadores físicos recomendarán clases de baile junto con una dieta bien balanceada o usar suplementos de pérdida de peso.
Aparte de estos beneficios clave de la salud, industria de la danza ha empleado a un buen número de personas como instructores los cuales la mayoría de los estudiantes que son bailarines profesionales.
Si bien optar por clases de baile, que es vital para ir a clases de bailes uno es cómodo con. Unirse a clases simplemente porque un amigo se ha inscrito dicen clase de hip-hop, no es una buena idea. Trate de averiguar el tipo de baile que puede realizar mejor. Puede consultar a un instructor de baile.
Como cuestión de hecho, no todo el mundo puede ser un buen bailarín. Esto es realmente evidente en el número de bailarines profesionales que se gradúan de estos estudios de danza. De hecho, el número de graduados es casi un tercio de los estudiantes que se inscriban para las clases de baile. Por otro lado, en cuanto a los beneficios para la salud se refiere, todos los estudiantes que se incorporan a las clases de baile a mejorar su salud de manera significativa.
Obtener más beneficios en clases de baile en: Los Angeles clase de danza.

Fuente del artículo:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JT_Goeble

الأربعاء، 19 نوفمبر 2014

The Easiest Christmas Gifts For Men

It's the middle of November which means that you can try as hard as you like but putting off thoughts of Christmas shopping is simply going to get harder and harder. I love the holidays; the spirit of giving and the season of goodwill that can put even the grumpiest of us in the best of moods but I do have to admit that shopping can sometimes be an incredible pain!
From friends to colleagues to of course family, Christmas shopping is never easy after-all what do you get for so many people? What about the fussy lot? And how do you make sure you get them something that they will actually like and won't end up unopened and shoved in the back of the cupboard?
It's always hard when it's time to hit the shops and the older a person gets, the more difficult it becomes to be original, particularly if you're on a budget. This season however, perhaps it's time to stop trying to be original and instead embrace the expected? Rather than opting for something unique and unusual, go for quality; perhaps an upgrade on another item of a new addition to a collection?
Men are always the most difficult to shop for primarily because they're just not as predictable as women so below are a few of the easiest choices that are sure to make life easier for when that Christmas shopping has to begin...
  • Tech Geek - Is he obsessed with technology? Always glued to his phone? Then why not opt for a quality case? Cases are easily available and quite cheap online but if you're after something special go for a designer case that will usually have been made from leather or other quality material making them sturdy, protective and quite stylish too. Anyone who loves their tech will definitely appreciate a gift like this!

  • Adventurer - Is he the thrill seeking type? Always looking for something exciting to do or always heading out on new adventures? Then why not opt for an accessory that could aid his next trip? From ski goggles to diving watches, if excitement is the name of the game then give him something to help him along and if you go for an accessory from a mens designer brand then you'll be helping him to look good too!

  • Simpleton - A lot of us will have a guy in our lives, whether friend, colleague or family member, who we would often describe as the simpleton. The kind who simply goes about his everyday duties, to work and home without so much as asking for anything so when it comes to his gift why not give him something that he can use during his everyday routine? Whether boxers, socks, a wallet or even gloves and a scarf it may seem like a predictable and somewhat boring gift but as a useful and if you go designer, quality item; it will be appreciated and regularly used.
OK, so it's not as exciting and adventurous as you might have hoped for but with so many people to shop for and only a few weeks left to do it, there's definitely no time to waste!
A Luke is the Internet Manager at leading designer menswear brand Luke 1977.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=A_Luke

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8816335

What All Women Should Know About Hair Extensions

For many ladies, it seems that whatever you do, you just can't get your hair to look like the one that your favourite Hollywood celebrity is currently sporting. You always have frizzy, dry and unruly hair. Worse, after a haircut, you find that it usually takes you months to grow your hair to your desired length and as such, you are stuck with a do that you don't like for a really long period of time.
At present, there are several types of treatments that are really the perfect solution for any kind of hair problems you may have. One of these treatments or solutions is hair extensions.
Hair Extensions
If you are still clueless about what these are, hair extensions are products that are placed on a person's locks of hair to make it longer.
They can be made up of human hair, synthetic products or a combination of human, synthetic and even animal hair.
The process of applying this product can be quite tricky and this always has to be done by a trained and skilled hairdresser. The process of putting this on starts with placing the product on the parting of a small section of hair. The hair will then be criss-crossed over the extension. The real hair and the extension will then be tightly plaited or braided together and painted with bonding solutions. Lastly, through "heat sealing", a heated clamp will be used to melt the solution to seal the extension around the hair.
If applied properly, most hair extensions will last up to four months. However, after this length of time, the special glue-like bond used will begin to loosen and the extensions will fall off.
Advantages Of Using Hair Extensions
The following are some of the benefits of having hair extensions:
• You can have the natural look of having long locks without waiting too long for your locks to grow and reach the length you want.
• With this product, you will easily have an instant new look that is quite easy to care for and maintain.
• You can have an intricate pattern of different colors or beads added to the extension anytime you want to without damaging your tresses.
Disadvantages Of Having Hair Extensions
Below are some of the downsides of having this hair product:
• This product can damage your natural tresses. The glue used to attach the extension to your natural locks can burn and split the ends of your hair when you have the extension removed.
• Additional pressure is also applied to your scalp if a lot of long or heavy extensions are added. This can lead to your natural tresses thinning as well.
• Some individuals have also complained of having headaches because of the additional weight of the hair and even allergies to the bonding glue used.
Learn more about hair extensions and how to choose the best hair salon to get them from on http://www.latease.com.au/product.html.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ellie_G_Wonderson

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8786861

How To Wear Perfume Correctly

The right perfume goes a long way to helping you express your personality and become more attractive. You've probably spent a great deal of time and effort to select the right fragrance, as you ought to, but are you actually wearing the perfume correctly. Most people are unaware of how to apply fragrances correctly in order to get the desired effect.
Perfume should always be used sparingly so that the overall effect is not overpowering. Excess perfume can result in headaches not just for the wearer but also for people in the wearer's immediate vicinity. Even if it does not result in a headache the overall effect will be very tacky.
- Be sure to apply fragrance to the pulse points of your body so that it slowly gets dispersed into the air thanks to the heat generated by blood underneath, ensuring that you smell good for a long time. The pulse points are located at the wrists, backs of the knees, cleavage, behind ear lobes and also the inner creases of the elbows. Perfume can be sprayed or dabbed at the pulse points of your choice.
- Avoid rubbing the perfume on the areas it has been applied on. For example, do not rub your wrists together after applying perfume on them because this will change the scent slightly.
- Since perfume does not last very long on dry skin, you should always try to wear it on moisturized skin. Avoid wearing a scented moisturizer because the two scents will clash. A simple solution will be to apply petroleum jelly to the area where you will spray or dab the perfume.
- Spray a little bit of perfume into the air ahead of you and walk into the fine mist immediately so as to get maximum coverage on your clothes and hair. Don't spray too much or else you will end up drenching yourself in perfume. Not only will this not smell very nice but will also work out to be very costly in the long run.
- Don't spray perfume on your clothes because this invariably results in strange looking patches. The fabric can also get discolored on account of the chemicals present in the perfume.
Your perfume bottles will obviously last longer if you use their contents sparingly. Be sure to look after them properly as well; keep your bottles away from direct sunlight and remember to screw their lids on properly.
The best online perfume Dubai stores stock all the best perfumes from Europe and the United States. Click here to visit one of the best online perfume UAE sites.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rizvana_Manzoor

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8814952