"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
-Helen Keller
Mark Twain (author and national treasure), Henry H. Rogers (a Standard Oil Executive), Alexander Graham Bell (revolutionary inventor), and Anne Sullivan (world-renowned teacher).
Do you know what these amazing people have in common?
They are just four of the many people who encouraged, empowered, and walked closely with Helen Keller to help her reach her full potential. We don't have the same challenges Helen Keller faced, but we each have our own obstacles and need people to walk alongside of us.
My guess is each of Helen Keller's friends played an important and unique role to her success in life. Similarly there are 3 specific kinds of people that I believe are critical to have intertwined in your life as well.
I like to refer to them as your cheerleaders, coaches, and counselors.
Your cheerleaders:
They are your biggest fans. Those who will give you continual encouragement, love, and support. They will speak life and love to you and your dreams. When you are struggling, they find ways to lift you up and bring you hope.
Your coach:
Your coach also gives you encouragement, but they also have permission to speak the truth in love. You welcome their probing questions and they help to identify your blind spots. They have permission to say the hard and honest truth to you.
Your counselor:
This person will dig into your heart, and find out how you are REALLY doing. They help identify the deeper issues and get to the root of any wrong beliefs or negative mindsets you might be carrying. It's not that they don't care about "what" you are going after, but instead their focus is primarily concerned with all those feelings and emotions!
These roles could be a friend, spouse, family member, co-worker, or mentor. The key is recognizing who they are and communicating to them their place of significance in your life. Of course one person could be all three of these roles as well.
Helen Keller had Mark, Anne, Alexander, and Henry...
Who are your cheerleaders, coaches, and counselors walking alongside of you?
If you know who these people are, excellent! Be sure to say THANK YOU to them today!
If you are aren't quite sure, ask God to give you those people of encouragement, support, and love. He is good and will provide!
"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...
But it requires people to make the dream a reality."
-Walt Disney
Thanks for reading my post! When I am not writing, I am helping people discover who they are and what they are made to do! Uncovering their purpose, unlocking their dreams, and taking them to the next level.
Go to http://www.mikaelakate.com to sign-up for a FREE coaching call and we can get started on your dreams today! Also don't forget to get my FREE eBook to begin Unlocking Your Dreams and living your destiny!
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Can't wait to hear from you! ~ Mikaela Kate Schaefer