الخميس، 31 ديسمبر 2015
الأحد، 27 ديسمبر 2015
الخميس، 24 ديسمبر 2015
Denuncian robo de información de la ex Side y temen filtraciones
Un nuevo escándalo involucra a la ex Secretaría de Inteligencia, hoy rebautizada AFI (Agencia Federal de Inteligencia), y amenaza con tener repercusiones impensadas en las próximas semanas. Hace 10 días, se robaron un servidor que funcionaba en el departamento de Análisis Interior, el cual depende de la Dirección General de Análisis. Allí se almacenaban 30 años de información y archivos sobre distintos "objetivos" de la ex SIDE: políticos, empresarios, funcionarios, periodistas, narcotraficantes e incluso otros espías.
Esta base de datos con información reservada ha sido popularizada como “carpetas”. De allí surgió el término "carpetazo", muy usado en los últimos años, cuando esa información era filtrada hacia medios periodísticos alineados con el gobierno para atacar al "objetivo" del momento. La carga de datos a esas fichas era realizada por alrededor de 20 empleados de la Agencia, militantes de la agrupación La Cámpora.
La información del robo fue publicada por Rodis Recalt, el periodista que logró entrevistar a Jaime Stiuso, el enigmático ingeniero que fue el hombre clave del organismo durante los últimos años, y que también publicó el desembarco de 138 militantes de La Cámpora en la AFI.
Según revela el sitio web de la revista Noticias, la pesquisa interna hasta el momento tendría un sospechoso principal: un militante de la agrupación La Cámpora que ingresó a principios de 2015, y sería uno de los jefes del departamento responsable de custodiar esa informacion.
Si bien las autoridades de la AFI se muestran preocupados por la pérdida de información -es probable que esos datos tengan respaldo en otros servidores-, uno de los mayores temores es que en las próximas semanas se desate una nueva campaña de "carpetazos", basados en los bytes almacenados en el servidor que fue robado.
Santa Tracker: el rastreador para saber dónde está Papá Noel en este preciso momento
Para que los chicos más ansiosos (e hiper conectados) puedan obtener una respuesta exacta de sus padres a la respuesta "¿cuánto falta?", Google Maps activó Santa Tracker, una herramienta para ver minuto a minuto en qué país se encuentra el anciano, su trineo, los renos y la bolsa de regalos.
Mientras se acerca la nochebuena y los usuarios pueden ver a Papá Noel viajando por el mundo. Además, también se puede ver información del lugar donde vive, su lista de tareas para un día tan complicado como Navidad, la ciudad en la que está, su próximo destino, y cuántos kilómetros faltan para que su recorrido lo traiga a nuestro arbolito.
Acceder es sumamente fácil: basta acceder a este link o escribir en el buscador web de Google "rastrear a Santa Claus" y abrirá un recuadro con la ubicación actual, con un link para acceder al resto del recorrido como si fuera en un GPS. Además, está disponible para Android, Android Wear y Chromecast
«O Tannenbaum»: Obamas verraten Lieblings-Weihnachtslieder
Passend zum Fest haben US-Präsident Barack Obama (54) und First Lady Michelle (51) ihre Lieblings-Weihnachtslieder preisgegeben. Die Liste beim Streamingdienst Spotify startet mit dem deutschen Klassiker «O Tannenbaum» - in der Instrumentalversion des Jazzmusikers Vince Guaraldi.
Auf der Playlist finden sich vor allem modernere Stücke von Boyz II Men («Let It Snow»), Mariah Carey («All I Want for Christmas Is You») oder Destiny's Child («8 Days of Christmas»).
Auch Vize-Präsident Joe Biden (73) und seine Frau Jill (64) durften sich Weihnachtssongs wünschen. Auf ihrer Liste geht es vor allem rockig zu. Sie suchten sich etwa Songs von Coldplay («A Sky Full of Stars»), U2 («Christmas») und Bruce Springsteen («Merry Christmas Baby») aus. (dpa)
Polizist bei Kontrolle in Regionalzug erstochen
Bei einer Kontrolle in einem Regionalzug ist ein 46-jähriger Polizist erstochen worden. Der Vorfall ereignete sich am Morgen im Bahnhof der Stadt Herborn (Lahn-Dill-Kreis), wie das Hessische Landeskriminalamt und die Staatsanwaltschaft Limburg gemeinsam mitteilten. Bei dem Vorfall wurden demnach ein weiterer Polizist sowie der 27-jährige Angreifer schwer verletzt.
Der Zugbegleiter des Regionalexpress-Zuges hatte den Angaben zufolge die Beamten zu Hilfe gerufen, weil sich der 27-Jährige nicht kontrollieren lassen wollte. Als die Polizisten den Zug betraten, griff dieser die Beamten demnach sofort mit einem Messer an. Die Polizisten hätten noch versucht, den Angriff abzuwehren; dabei sei auch eine Schusswaffe eingesetzt worden.
Der Hintergrund der Tat ist unklar. Für terroristische Motive gibt es keine Anhaltspunkte. Der Täter kommt laut Polizei aus der Region. Medienberichten zufolge soll er betrunken gewesen sein und bereits vor der Tat im Zug randaliert haben.
Hessens Innenminister Peter Beuth (CDU) reagierte bestürzt. "Wir trauern um den Polizeibeamten, der bei diesem Einsatz durch diese sinnlose Attacke ums Leben gekommen ist", erklärte er in Wiesbaden. Beuth sprach den Angehörigen des Toten sein Beileid aus und ordnete an, hessische Polizeifahrzeuge mit einem Trauerflor zu bestücken. Kollegen des Toten äußerten sich über den Nachrichtendienst Twitter empört und sprachen ebenfalls ihr Beileid aus
Allein zu Haus, Kevin
"Kevin - Allein zu Haus"-Facts: Das müsst ihr wissen!
"Mam, ich bin acht Jahre alt und sie denken, ich wäre hier alleine! Das geht doch gar nicht!" Geht doch und das weiß jeder. Alljährlich erfreuen wir uns zur Weihnachtszeit am kleinen Überlebenskünstler Kevin McCallister im Kultstreifen “Kevin - Allein zu Haus”. Nachdem Darsteller Macaulay Culkin (35) in diesem Jahr schon an einem skurrilen Videoclip zum Thema beteiligt war und wir euch bereits ein paar schräge Fakten zum beliebtem Weihnachtsklassiker präsentiert haben, kommt hier Nachschub für "Kevin - Allein zu Haus"-Fans:
1) Der gruselige Heizkessel im Keller wurde von zwei Personen mithilfe von Angelschnüren und Taschenlampen bedient. Ursprünglich war eine Traumsequenz geplant, in der das ganze Haus zum Leben erwacht und der Kessel den armen Kevin die Kellertreppe hinaufjagt. Aus Kostengründen blieben die Filmemacher aber bei nur einer Szene und dem Equipment aus dem Anglershop.
2) Das Konzept zum Film entstand bei den Dreharbeiten zur Komödie "Allein mit Onkel Buck" aus dem Jahr 1989, als Kinderdarsteller Macaulay Culkin einen Babysitter-Anwärter über den Briefschlitz in der Tür "verhört". Der Kleine konnte damit außerdem derart überzeugen, dass er gleichzeitig die Hauptrolle für die neue Filmidee ergatterte.
3) John Candy (†43) drehte seinen Part als Polka-Musiker Gus Polinski innerhalb von 23 Stunden – am Stück!
4) Der Darsteller des schlaksigen Gangsters Marv, Daniel Stern (55), war für viele Jahre die Erzählerstimme der englischsprachigen Version der beliebten Coming-Of-Age-Serie „Wunderbare Jahre.“
5) Hartgesottene Elvis-Presley-Fans, die noch immer fest daran glauben, der Tod des King of Rock'n'Roll im Jahr 1977 sei eine Täuschung gewesen, waren sich sicher: Elvis ist in der Szene, in der Kevins Mutter sich am Flughafenschalter beschwert, rechts hinter ihr als bärtiger Mann zu sehen. Ist das zu glauben? Am 24. Dezember um 20.15 Uhr könnt ihr euch in Sat.1 selbst davon überzeugen.
الاثنين، 21 ديسمبر 2015
Monday Night Raw, Raw, Slammy Awards, WWE, WWE Network
RAW 12/21/15}} Watch WWE RAW The Slammy Awards 21st December 2015 12/21/2015 Full Show
Notes: {RAW 12/21/15} Watch WWE RAW The Slammy Awards 21st December 2015 12/21/2015 Full Show. Watch WWE RAW The Slammy Awards 12/21/15 Full Show ... Watch Here: >>http://w.atch.me/watch-wwe-raw-21-december-2015 >>http://w.atch.me/watch-wwe-raw-21-december-2015 watchwrestlingto/video/watch-wwe-raw-slammy-awards-122115/ 3 days ago - Watch WWE RAW The Slammy Awards 12/21/15 – December 21st 2015 – 12/21/15Livestream links will be posted here before the show starts. Watch WWE Raw 12/21/2015 Full Show Online Free wwwallwrestlingnet/watch-wwe-raw-12212015-full-show/ 1 day ago - Watch WWE Raw 12/21/2015 – 21st December 2015 Livestream and Full Show. Watch Online (Livestream Links) *720p* HD/DivX Quality. Watch WWE RAW The Slammy Awards 12/21/15 - 21st ... watchwrestling.uno/watch-wwe-raw-122115-the-slammy-awards/ 8 hours ago - Watch WWE RAW 12/21/2015 The Slammy Awards - 21st ... 3 Parts of HD and HDTV Full Show Links will be added after the Show ends… Watch WWE Raw The Slammy Awards 12/21/2015 ... watchwrestling.ms/watch-wwe-raw-the-slammy-awards-12212015/ 5 hours ago - Watch WWE Raw The Slammy Awards 12/21/2015 on December 21st 2015 Full Show online videos (21/12/15) Replay Dailymotion Parts, Dec ... watch WWE RAW the slammy awards 12/21/2015 full show ... watchwrestlingonlinefree.com/watch-wwe-raw-the-slammy-awards-1221... 5 hours ago - Watch WWE RAW The Slammy Awards 12/21/2015 Full Show Online Free From DAILYMOTIONFull Show Links Added Soon...Stay Live...watch ... Watch WWE Raw The Slammy Awards 12/21/15 - 21st ... watchwrestling.in/watch-wwe-raw-the-slammy-awards-122115/ Watch WWE Raw The Slammy Awards 12/21/15 on 21st December 2015 Full Show Monday Night raw Episode online Replay Dailymotion WWE Raw 12/21/15 ... Watch WWE Raw 21st December 2015 Full Show Dailymotion, Watch WWE Monday Night RAW 12/21/2015 Full Show Online Free, WWE RAW 21st December 2015 - 21/12/201 Full Show Youtube... Watch WWE RAW The Slammy Awards 12/21/15 Full Show ... Watch WWE RAW The Slammy Awards 12/21/15 – December 21st 2015 – 12/21/15 ... december 21 2015 online, wwe raw 12/21/15 full show, wwe raw 12/21/2015 online, wwe raw 21 december 2015 online, wwe raw december 21 2015 full show online free hd replay,
Monday Night Raw, WWE, WWE Network
عرض رو الاخير , مصارعة الرو 21/12/2015 , مهرجان الرو الاخير 21 ديسمبر , مصارعة حرة 22-12-2015
يقام عرض و مهرجان رو الليلة 22 ديسمبر 2015 وسيشمل هذا الموضوع علي متابعه خاصه ومستمرة
للعرض قبل انطلاقه واثناء وبعد انتهائه وسيتم وضع الفيديوهات فور انتهاء العرض فتابعونا ,,,
عرض الرو يبدا الساعة 3 صباحا بتوقيت مصر
بينما بتوقيت السعودية سيبدا عرض الرو الساعة 4 صباحا
عرض الرو الاخير كامل WWE RAW 21-12-2015 عرض الرو مترجم عربي
عرض الرو الاخير كامل WWE Raw 21-12-2015 عرض الرو مترجم عربي
عرض رو الاخير , مصارعة الرو 21/12/2015 , مهرجان الرو الاخير 21 ديسمبر , مصارعة حرة 22-12-2015
يقام عرض و مهرجان رو الليلة 22 ديسمبر 2015 وسيشمل هذا الموضوع علي متابعه خاصه ومستمرة
للعرض قبل انطلاقه واثناء وبعد انتهائه وسيتم وضع الفيديوهات فور انتهاء العرض فتابعونا ,,,
عرض الرو يبدا الساعة 3 صباحا بتوقيت مصر
بينما بتوقيت السعودية سيبدا عرض الرو الساعة 4 صباحا
Guardiola, Pellegrini
Pellegrini milite pour la venue de Guardiola à City
Quand l’entraîneur en place évoque son successeur, c’est forcément une situation particulière. Mais Manuel Pellegrini, actuel entraîneur de Manchester City, s’est montré élogieux à l’égard d’un Pep Guardiola qu’il voit un jour travailler à sa place. Sans doute dès cet été…
Carlo Ancelotti confirmé au Bayern Munich à partir de la prochaine saison en lieu et place d’un Pep Guardiola annoncé à Manchester City… Le jeu des chaises musicales se met en place pour la prochaine saison et loin de s’en offusquer, Manuel Pellegrini, l’actuel entraîneur des Citizens, milite carrément pour la venue de l’actuel entraîneur du Bayern à City !
"Pep Guardiola viendra dans ce club, il travaillera ici, je ne sais pas si ce sera cet été ou plus tard mais un jour, il viendra et il pourra être important pour cette équipe.[…] J’espère qu’il aura l’occasion de venir à City, j’aime ce club, et je lui souhaite qu’il ait la même opportunité que moi", explique-t-il à la presse anglaise. Une position pour le moins étonnante pour un coach annoncé viré régulièrement depuis son arrivée en 2013 mais qui a finalement prolongé jusqu’en 2017.
Et là encore, le Chilien, qui a apporté le titre à son club mais qui n’a pas dépassé les 8e en Ligue des champions, paraît tout à fait conscient de sa possible éviction en fin de saison. "Mon contrat prouve que le club est content de moi, mais on sait tous qu’un entraîneur peut avoir un contrat de 6 ou 7 ans et partir en fin de saison", ajoute-t-il. Ou avant, comme on l’a encore vu cette semaine avec un Mourinho que l’on dit proche de Manchester United. Voilà qui pourrait annoncer des derbies de Manchester avec Guardiola et Mourinho aux manettes, ce qui rappellerait les Real-Barça très tendus…
الاثنين، 2 نوفمبر 2015
عرض الرو الاخير كامل WWE RAW 02-11-2015 عرض الرو مترجم عربي
عرض الرو الاخير كامل WWE Raw 02-11-2015 عرض الرو مترجم عربي
عرض رو الاخير , مصارعة الرو 02/11/2015 , مهرجان الرو الاخير 2 نوفمبر , مصارعة حرة 03-11-2015
يقام عرض و مهرجان رو الليلة 3 نوفمبر 2015 وسيشمل هذا الموضوع علي متابعه خاصه ومستمرة
للعرض قبل انطلاقه واثناء وبعد انتهائه وسيتم وضع الفيديوهات فور انتهاء العرض فتابعونا ,,,
عرض الرو يبدا الساعة 2 صباحا بتوقيت مصر
بينما بتوقيت السعودية سيبدا عرض الرو الساعة 3 صباحا
روابط البث المباشر لعرض الرو
الرابط الاول
الرابط الثاني
الرابط الثالث
الرابط الرابع
الرابط الخامس
الرابط السادس
الخميس، 29 أكتوبر 2015
Selena Gomez’s ‘13 Reasons Why’ gets straight-to-series order from Netflix
Selena Gomez is returning to television — this time as an executive producer.
Netflix has given her series “13 Reasons Why” a straight-to-series order,Variety reports.
Gomez, who last appeared on the small screen as the star of Disney’s “Wizards of Waverly Place,” is executive-producing the project with her mother Mandy Teefey.
Kristel Laiblin and Anonymous Content will also produce the 13-episode series, and the pilot was penned by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright.Brian Yorkey, who is also the series creator
“13 Reasons Why” is based on Jay Asher’s 2007 young adult novel of the same name.
The story focuses on a shy teen named Clay who receives a box of cassette tapes from his late crush Hannah, who has recently committed suicide.
On the tapes, which she recorded for 12 of her classmates, Hannah reveals the 13 reasons why she decided to end her life.
The "Good For You" singer is rumored to be playing Hannah, although no casting details have been confirmed.
Gomez's last TV project was starring on of “Wizards of Waverly Place,” which ended its four-season run in 2012.
Besides the Netflix show, the 23-year-old is also keeping busy on the music front: She released her new album “Revival” earlier this month and and is set to hit the road next year for a world tour.
الأربعاء، 28 أكتوبر 2015
fall in love with, Liam Hemsworth, Miley Cyrus
Liam Hemsworth talks engagement to Miley Cyrus, says you ‘can never choose’ who you fall in love with
Liam Hemsworth says he / she isn't going to bum out over his / her high-profile relationship with ex-fiancéeMiley Cyrus.
“You love exactly who you love; you are able to in no way opt for, ” he / she said in the 12 problem associated with Men’s Health.
“I speculate some individuals only feature a little more luggage, ” he / she additional.
The couple obtained engaged with 2012 but separate annually later, just like Cyrus had been evolving by squeaky-clean Disney occasional actress to be able to attention-seeking crop up diva.
Hemsworth, 20, pressured that she respected the period jointly as well as the connection has not been "just some sort of affair. inches
“I mean, glimpse — most of us have been jointly all 5 decades, therefore i don’t think people inner thoughts can ever before transform. And that’s good since of which establishes if you ask me who's had been authentic.
“It actually was a vital section of my well being as well as usually will probably be. ”
The set started courting even though filming the actual 2010 intimate crisis "The Very last Track, inches as well as evolved into engaged several decades inside their connection.
It had been rumored of which Hemsworth break up while using “Wrecking Ball” musician since he / she had been “mortified” by means of the woman notorious twerk-heavy performance in the 2013 MTV VMAs.
Although Hemsworth said he's got absolutely no problem in reference to his past fiancée’s outrageous little one persona, explaining the woman to be a “free heart. ”
“I think she’ll usually shock those with what exactly the girl will, but she’s not only a malevolent man or woman by any means. She’s a new lady who would like to accomplish what exactly the girl wants to accomplish. ”
Using the 2013 break up, Cyrus managed to move on to a short-lived connection with Meat Schwarzenegger and a rumored relationship with style Stella Maxwell.
Hemsworth, exactly who in brief out dated style Eliza Gonzalez following the break up, said of which his / her occupied schedule creates courting “really complicated. ”
“I’m continuously travelling, as well as My partner and i don’t venture out to be able to groups or perhaps everything that adheres to that, ” said the actual acting professional, that is at present individual. "I hardly ever before match any person new. inches
“It’s tough to get a connection with this market, nevertheless definitely not concise where by this creates me personally frustrated. ”
Even so the superstar said of which even though his / her lifetime is actually lacking in the actual relationship section, he or she is pleased to become operating acting professional, contacting themselves some sort of “healthy, pleased man or woman. ”
Hemsworth can certainly next remain visible with “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Component two, ” hammering theaters Nov. 20.
“You love exactly who you love; you are able to in no way opt for, ” he / she said in the 12 problem associated with Men’s Health.
“I speculate some individuals only feature a little more luggage, ” he / she additional.
The couple obtained engaged with 2012 but separate annually later, just like Cyrus had been evolving by squeaky-clean Disney occasional actress to be able to attention-seeking crop up diva.
Hemsworth, 20, pressured that she respected the period jointly as well as the connection has not been "just some sort of affair. inches
“I mean, glimpse — most of us have been jointly all 5 decades, therefore i don’t think people inner thoughts can ever before transform. And that’s good since of which establishes if you ask me who's had been authentic.
“It actually was a vital section of my well being as well as usually will probably be. ”
The set started courting even though filming the actual 2010 intimate crisis "The Very last Track, inches as well as evolved into engaged several decades inside their connection.
It had been rumored of which Hemsworth break up while using “Wrecking Ball” musician since he / she had been “mortified” by means of the woman notorious twerk-heavy performance in the 2013 MTV VMAs.
Although Hemsworth said he's got absolutely no problem in reference to his past fiancée’s outrageous little one persona, explaining the woman to be a “free heart. ”
“I think she’ll usually shock those with what exactly the girl will, but she’s not only a malevolent man or woman by any means. She’s a new lady who would like to accomplish what exactly the girl wants to accomplish. ”
Using the 2013 break up, Cyrus managed to move on to a short-lived connection with Meat Schwarzenegger and a rumored relationship with style Stella Maxwell.
Hemsworth, exactly who in brief out dated style Eliza Gonzalez following the break up, said of which his / her occupied schedule creates courting “really complicated. ”
“I’m continuously travelling, as well as My partner and i don’t venture out to be able to groups or perhaps everything that adheres to that, ” said the actual acting professional, that is at present individual. "I hardly ever before match any person new. inches
“It’s tough to get a connection with this market, nevertheless definitely not concise where by this creates me personally frustrated. ”
Even so the superstar said of which even though his / her lifetime is actually lacking in the actual relationship section, he or she is pleased to become operating acting professional, contacting themselves some sort of “healthy, pleased man or woman. ”
Hemsworth can certainly next remain visible with “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Component two, ” hammering theaters Nov. 20.
Car Dealerships Must Convince a Customer to Return
You will discover concerning seventeen, 500 vehicle dealerships in america. Every year these people be successful, pull through, struggle, or even in close proximity. Meanwhile, many dealerships usually are relentlessly effective yearly, generally growing rapidly vagaries with the economic system, world predicament, along with components.
What improves many vehicle dealerships that beats all others?
One of several leading automobile merchants from the Oughout. S. is Dave Hendrick, 65, of Charlotte, In. G., who released his or her primary car lot with the age of 23. Even though probably superior recognized right now regarding his or her champion NASCAR groups as opposed to an incredible number of autos he or she is offered, Hendrick claims they pertains to sporting a couple of concepts they discovered whilst developing ninety five Hendrick Automotive Class dealerships from your Carolinas to Colorado.
"Before customer satisfaction, you've got to include worker fulfillment, " they claims. "If your current persons don't believe a person love these individuals, these people isn't going to love a person. That is the motto I dwell by means of. "
Virtually every automobile seller confirms the crucial to good results is support services, and that the actual sources of it are usually in some sort of dealership's personnel. Enthusiastic, well-informed staff may not be readily accessible, nevertheless they may be worthwhile the actual quest. Research also implies that customer-focused organizations usually are consistently pressuring along with gratifying these personnel dedicated to exceptional service.
Colin Shaw may be the president of Over and above Viewpoint, a company that allows organizations instill battling interactions along with customers. U . s . Communicate, FedEx, along with IBM usually are at organizations they have suggested, along with Shaw explains to them all that supervision just isn't the actual messenger to the "customer experience" he or she is designed.
"Your team gives the actual 'customer knowledge, '" Shaw claims. "Making guaranteed your current personnel rely on your current model offer, usually are educated correctly how to offer the idea, and therefore are purchased its good results sufficient to complete the required steps to obtain the idea are very important to using a person knowledge that surprises along with delights customers. "
In line with Automotive Instruction Centres (AATC), the ability along with excitement of these kinds of personnel makes a constant flow of prospects for any car dealership to separate themselves by opposition. For instance, each vehicle offered with a completely new customer requires frequent repair. The minute one of those autos returns a great essential oil alter, one more probability to present exceptional "after sale" service comes by it.
If your expectation along with love of these kinds of prospects usually are imbedded within a dealership's sales, service, elements, along with repair departments, its dealer-wide face of exceptional service yields customer confidence along with commitment from the a considerably long time.
Therefore way too really does the actual participation of vehicle dealerships with district charities, non-profit fund-raisers, marathon taking walks, sponsorships, along with contributions. While many vehicle dealerships usually are stressed to present time for his or her communities, additionally they know the idea improves interactions along with current customers along with makes completely new kinds.
Showing after 44 decades of good results with marketing motor vehicles : along with a good empire of virtually 100 vehicle dealerships : Dave Hendrick has a great notion of its have an effect on on his or her 30 decades of champion automobile sporting.
This individual claims they knows at least anything concerning the many tasks of sporting, nevertheless isn't "good with whatever. "
Advice For Safe Asbestos Removal
Asbestos is usually a multi-purpose product and it is ideal seeing that insulating material and also flames proofing. It is a healthy vitamin which in turn has been around use for approximately a hundred and fifty several years on a big commercial size. Sad to say in addition, it might cause critical ailments of the lung for instance lung cancers, mesothelioma and also asbestosis. Asbestos is actually this kind of harmful well being threat that a medical condition may be branded specifically for this: Asbestosis, some sort of lasting lung structure skin damage. Today, contrary to earlier perception, it truly is known that will experience of very small levels of asbestos seeing that might happen in the course of regime function around a long stretch of time, might also produce these kinds of illnesses.
This scale of the global asbestos chance was accepted the two from the World Wellbeing Firm (WHO) as well as the Intercontinental Job Firm (ILO) inside 2006. The 06 2006 ILO Resolution Relating to Asbestos bought adopted over the ILO's Basic Meeting. This ILO Basic Meeting resolved to function towards the reduction coming from all long term asbestos use so that you can safeguard the healthiness of employees.
To call home in a household acquiring in one piece asbestos does not on auto-pilot present just about any well being threat. In the event that in good shape, or even found in a number of out-of-the-way sector or even region for instance plumbing related intended for conduits or even home heating insulating material in your attic room or even crawlspace, it's always best to just get away from this in position.
Tips on how to Get rid of Asbestos
Individual corporations really should get rid of down their asbestos solely through accredited asbestos stripping corporations, irrespective of the quantity involved. With home-based predicaments your house seller may possibly undertake your asbestos removal nevertheless should comply with your lay down rules through own unsafe effects of professionals.
These protection precautions ought to be put into practice to guard your own personal health insurance and that will of your respective nearby neighbors:
-- Just before coping with asbestos 1 really should obtain and also have on ideal coveralls plus an approved airborne debris mask or even respirator.
-- This buildings to get introduced down must be very first dampened with h2o to relieve it is likely that just about any airborne fiber discharge in the air flow.
-- Asbestos buildings should solely obtain disassembled in the course of calm temperature to stop distributing your harmful asbestos airborne debris.
-- Avoid breaking up your asbestos components in parts.
-- Coveralls, dustsheets, hides for example ought to be disposed down from the encouraged fashion and also properly designated seeing that 'Asbestos Waste'.
-- Do not use a hoover or even carry the website seeing that this could spread your airborne debris.
-- Asbestos shouldn't obtain dumped from the standard squander bin.
With Sydney, property owners may possibly legally remove non-friable asbestos around 10 rectangular metres off their private house. On the other hand, own Nation's, Terrain and also Condition Restrictions and also Regulations complete apply. As an illustration, around Sydney, landfills agreeing to asbestos will still only obtain materials if at all twisted appropriately inside ideal plastic-type and also closed.
Over the 8th Worldwide Civil Community 2007 Community held inside Nairobi sorted from the Us Surroundings System, asbestos was regarded important difficulty. That assembly acquired introduced in concert one hundred sixty municipal community representatives by 65 international locations. Beneath the matter entitled "Asbestos", your GCSF-8's Substances Functioning Party prepared some sort of 2-page file which in turn mentioned that will UNEP really should showcase a much better comprehension of your regional and also global impact coming from all varieties of asbestos, in particular in open public health insurance and for the atmosphere and to additionally deliver recommendations for just a method towards the reduction throughout the world associated with asbestos use.
الثلاثاء، 27 أكتوبر 2015
divorce, Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez
Halle Berry to divorce husband Olivier Martinez 'with a heavy heart'
HOLLYWOOD actress Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez are divorcing after two years of marriage.
In a joint statement to American publication US Weekly, the couple said it was "with a heavy heart" they had decided to divorce.
The statement said: "We move forward with love and respect for one another and the shared focus for what is best for our son.
"We wish each other nothing but happiness in life, and we hope that you respect our, and most importantly our children's privacy, as we go through this difficult period."
The couple have a son, Maceo, and Berry has a daughter, Nahla, from a previous relationship.
Berry was previously married to baseball player David Justice and singer Eric Benet.
Hook ou la Revanche du capitaine Crochet, Peter Pan, Robin Williams, Steven Spielberg
Trois Choses à savoir sur Hook
Sorti en salles en 1992, Hook ou la revanche du Capitaine Crochet raconte l'histoire de Peter Banning, alias Peter Pan, un brillant avocat d'affaires qui a tout oublié de ses aventures passées. Réalisé par Steven Spielberg, ce film réunit notamment Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, Julia Robert et Bob Hoskins.
> Peter Pan incarné par... Michael Jackson
Vous n'imaginez pas le Roi de la Pop à la place Robin Williams pour jouer Peter Pan? Steven Spielberg, lui, oui. Comme l'a confié le réalisateur américain à Entertainment Weekly en 2011, Hook avait été pensé comme une comédie musicale à l'origine et celle-ci aurait pu être portée par Michael Jackson. Steven Spielberg expliquait: "Michael a toujours voulu jouer Peter Pan, mais j’ai appelé Michael et je lui ai dit : "C’est à propos d’un avocat qui doit sauver ses enfants du Pays Imaginaire et qui découvre qu’il en était un avant, quand il était jeune, Peter Pan." Même ce Peter Pan version Spielberg n'était pas celui qu'avait espéré Michael Jackson et le projet n'aboutira finalement pas.
> Première pour Gwyneth Paltrow
Si elle est une star planétaire aujourd'hui, Gwyneth Paltrow était encore inconnue du grand public lors de la sortie de Hook en 1992. Et pour cause: ce long-métrage marque ses premiers pas au cinéma. Âgée de 19 ans, l'actrice (dont Steven Spielberg est le parrain) y incarne le personnage de Wendy dans sa jeunesse. Quelques années plus tard, ses rôles dans Seven,Shakespeare in Love (qui lui vaudra l'Oscar de la meilleure actrice) ou Le Talentueux Mr Ripley feront d'elle une actrice incontournable à Hollywood.
> Des guests de choix
Il faut garder l'oeil ouvert pour remarquer leurs présences, mais ils sont pourtant bien présents dans le film. En effet, Steven Spielberg n'a pas hésité à inviter un florilège de stars pour venir faire un petit clin d'oeil dans son film. C'est ainsi que lors d'une scène, le réalisateur George Lucas et l'actrice Carrie Fisher incarnent un couple s'embrassant sur un pont. Le chanteur Phil Collins se glisse lui dans la peau d'un inspecteur de police. Quant à Glenn Close, la comédienne a accepté de se déguiser en méconnaissable pirate le temps d'une séquence où on l'enferme dans le... "coffre à bobos".
billion, buy, Walgreens
Walgreens to buy Rite Aid for $9.4 billion, creating drugstore giant
lgreens confirmed Tuesday that it will buy rival pharmacy chain Rite Aid for about $9.41 billion in cash.
The Wall Street Journal first reported news of the deal.
Walgreens says it will pay $9 per share for Camp Hill, Pennsylvania-based Rite Aid Corp. That's a premium of 48 percent to the closing price of Rite Aid Monday. The deal is worth $17.2 billion when debt is included, the companies said.
Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc., based in Deerfield, Illinois, is the largest U.S. drugstore chain, based on store counts. Rite Aid is the third largest.
The deal expected to close in the second half of next year
Arsenal, Betting, Hillsborough, Sheffield Wednesday, Wenger's
Sheffield Wednesday - Arsenal Betting: Back goals at both ends when Wenger's men visit Hillsborough
Both sides are in good form ahead of this Capital One Cup clash and our tipster is anticipating plenty of goals when the Gunners travel to face Carlos Carvalhal's men
Two in-form sides will meet when Championship side Sheffield Wednesday welcome Premier League Arsenal to Hillsborough in the last 16 of the Capital One Cup.
Arsene Wenger’s side have won each of their last four matches in all competitions and will be keen to extend their winning run when they travel to take on Carlos Carvalhal’s side on Tuesday.
The Owls, though, are unbeaten in seven matches and will fancy their chances of taking the Gunners’ scalp, with Wenger likely to field a second-string side at Hillsborough
Arsene Wenger’s side have won each of their last four matches in all competitions and will be keen to extend their winning run when they travel to take on Carlos Carvalhal’s side on Tuesday.
The Owls, though, are unbeaten in seven matches and will fancy their chances of taking the Gunners’ scalp, with Wenger likely to field a second-string side at Hillsborough
Despite their impressive form, Wednesday are chalked up at a chunky 27/4 (7.75) with NetBet to send their Premier League opponents spinning out of the competition, while the visitors can be backed at just 20/49 (1.41) to come out on top. NetBet go 7/2 (4.50) that the tie remains deadlocked at the end of 90 minutes in Sheffield.
With the tie to be played to a finish at Hillsborough, home backers may be tempted by the 4/1 (5.0) quote from NetBet for Carvalhal’s men to reach the quarter-finals, while the Gunners are just 3/20 (1.15) to progress to the next round.
Both teams have scored in six of Sheffield Wednesday’s last seven matches on home turf and, with that in mind, there may well be value to be had in backing NetBet’s 20/23 (1.85) quote for goals at both ends when these two sides go head-to-head at Hillsborough
With the tie to be played to a finish at Hillsborough, home backers may be tempted by the 4/1 (5.0) quote from NetBet for Carvalhal’s men to reach the quarter-finals, while the Gunners are just 3/20 (1.15) to progress to the next round.
Both teams have scored in six of Sheffield Wednesday’s last seven matches on home turf and, with that in mind, there may well be value to be had in backing NetBet’s 20/23 (1.85) quote for goals at both ends when these two sides go head-to-head at Hillsborough
Arsenal ran out as 3-0 winners when they visited Vicarage Road earlier this month, but the Gunners conceded seven goals in four away matches in all competitions prior to that result, and so, there is potential for plenty of goalmouth action in this Capital One Cup clash.
The 4/7 (1.57) quote from NetBet, though, for three or more goals to be scored is too skinny and, therefore, punters are advised to snap up the 20/23 (1.85) quote offered up for both teams to score at Hillsborough on Tuesday.
The 4/7 (1.57) quote from NetBet, though, for three or more goals to be scored is too skinny and, therefore, punters are advised to snap up the 20/23 (1.85) quote offered up for both teams to score at Hillsborough on Tuesday.
Ariana Grande, MAC Cosmetics
MAC Cosmetics Announces Ariana Grande As 2016 Viva Glam Spokesperson
MAC Cosmetics Announces Ariana Grande As 2016 Viva Glam Spokesperson
After weeks of social media teasers, MAC Cosmetics took to Periscope today to introduce their 2016 Viva Glam spokesperson, Ariana Grande.
Actually, Grande announced herself in the live stream.
“I wonder who it is,” she said from behind the camera, before appearing on-screen in the big reveal. The collection includes a matte, plum lipstick that feels perfect for the cold and a shimmering, pale pink Lipglass.
“These are my colors,” she explains in the video. “We have a dark plum lipstick to represent the bad girl in you, and a light pink lipgloss to represent the good girl in you because I think you should be able to play up both sides.” Naturally, fans can easily pair both shades with the singer’s signature cat liner and lashes. As always, all proceeds go toward the MAC AIDS Fund.
The collaborative launch is available starting January 2016, and if past Viva Glam launches are anything to go by, you’ll have to act fast to get your hands on the duo.
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